Britain will on Monday set out plans to restart worldwide travel, utilizing a "traffic-signal" framework as the nation warily rises out of lockdown. 

The declaration comes as the UK has set a speculative date of May 17 to relaunch global travel. 

Travel objections will be positioned green, golden or red as indicated by infection hazard, Downing Street said in an explanation late Saturday, with the public authority to give more subtleties on Monday. 

Global travel is as of now restricted with the exception of a modest bunch of allowed reasons. This has provoked monstrous repressed interest for summer occasions abroad. 

"We are doing all that we can to empower the resuming of our country… as securely as could really be expected," Prime Minister Boris Johnson said. 

The public authority said the new framework "will help guarantee the UK's immunization progress isn't endangered and give clear direction to explorers". 

Individuals going to okay "green" nations will basically take an infection test when they travel, the public authority said.