Tito Idakula, the little girl of the former governor of Oyo State, Rasheed Ladoja, has uncovered that she had two fetus removals before. 

Idakula, who is hitched to vocalist Bez, said she lived in disgrace and blame for quite a long time over the decision she made. 

Sharing on Twitter on Easter Day, Idakula said notwithstanding meriting discipline for her transgressions, she was liberated by Jesus Christ who took everything upon himself. 

As per her, "I've had 2 early terminations. I took the lone choices I thought were accessible to me at that point. 

"Indeed, even in this time of supportive of decision, I am not by and by glad for the decisions I made. Furthermore, I lived in disgrace and blame for quite a long time. 

"It nearly disabled me when I wound up battling for the existence of my little girl. 

"I believed I merit this discipline. Presently I'm prepared, and God is at long last prepared to get me back. 

"However, at that point I didn't comprehend the salvation and uprightness that I have in Christ. That, in his passing and restoration, Jesus Christ annihilated my disgrace and gave me another name, a fresh start and character. 

"Indeed, even amidst my 'wrongdoing' and most profound disgrace, God couldn't have rebuffed me since that is the thing that Christ took on when he picked that penance. 

"In the stripes and passing, he took all my wrongdoing, and in his restoration, he set me FREE. 

"You start to realize that your works are simply you strolling in concurrence with what God has effectively done. 

"I'm here doing all that I do on the grounds that nothing keeps me down. No blame, no judgment, no disgrace! Christ took everything."